About the Commission

The Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CCEPR) ensures that dental education providers meet rigorous standards.

Calls for comments

When considering revisions to the ADA CERP Recognition Standards and Procedures, CCEPR will invite comments from communities of interest, including the individuals, institutions and organizations that may be affected by the proposed changes. Comments will be considered by the Commission, usually at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Comments submitted to the Commission may be made available to the public.

ADA CERP Standards Revisions

The comment period has closed. 

Information packet and proposed revisions (PDF)



The Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition (CCEPR) is an agency of the American Dental Association with the authority to formulate and adopt requirements, guidelines and procedures for the recognition of continuing dental education providers, and to approve providers that meet rigorous standards for quality.

Established by the ADA in 2014, the Commission oversees the ADA Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP).

CCEPR is structured to include broad input from those dental groups with an interest in continuing dental education at the policy-setting level. Members of the Commission are selected in accordance with the Rules of the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition and the Constitution and Bylaws and the Governance and Organizational Manual of the American Dental Association.


The duties of the CCEPR, established in the ADA Bylaws, shall be to:

  • Formulate and adopt requirements, guidelines and procedures for the recognition of continuing dental education providers
  • Approve providers of continuing dental education programs and activities
  • Provide a means for continuing dental education providers to appeal adverse recognition decisions
  • Submit an annual report to the House of Delegates of the American Dental Association and interim reports, on request
  • Submit an annual budget to the Board of Trustees of the Association


CCEPR serves the public, the dental profession and other healthcare providers by developing and implementing standards that promote excellence in continuing dental education to support professional competence and continuous improvement of patient care.

CCEPR fulfills its mission by:

  • Establishing standards and criteria for the recognition of continuing dental education providers
  • Recognizing providers of continuing dental education through a voluntary, self-regulated, peer-review process
  • Promoting quality improvement of continuing dental education standards and recognized providers.


ADA CERP will be the globally accepted program for recognizing providers of quality continuing dental education.


  • Improvement of oral health
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Science/Evidence–Based
  • Life-long learning
Review the Commission’s governance, functions and protocols.

CCEPR structure, members and Appeal Board

Participating organizations

The Board of Commissioners includes members appointed by the following organizations:

Recognized Dental Specialty Organizations (one member each) — 12

American Dental Education Association (ADEA) — 1

American Society of Constituent Dental Executives (ASCDE) — 1

American Dental Association (ADA) — 4

In addition, two members are appointed by the Commission:

Public member — 1

State board of dentistry/licensing jurisdiction member — 1

Board of Commissioners

Members of the Commission are appointed to a four-year term and selected in accordance with the Rules of the Commission for Continuing Education Provider Recognition (PDF) and the Governance and Organizational Manual of the American Dental Association.

Dr. Marc G. Nuger, Glen Burnie, MD, chair

Dr. Anil P. Ardeshna, Newark, NJ

Dr. Carlos D. Bertot, Mailtand, FL

Ms. Reva Brennan, North Brunswick, NJ

Dr. Megan Cloidt, Bronx, New York

Dr. Steven E. Haas, Kansas City, MO

Dr. Brian Huang, Manhattan Beach, CA

Dr. Kelly S. Kennedy, Columbus, OH

Dr. Andrew McDonald, Albuquerque, NM

Dr. Anthony R. Mecham, South Jordan, UT

Dr. Amey G. Patil, Newark, NJ

Dr. Cynthia S. Petrie, Kansas City, MO

Dr. Roberta Pileggi, Gainesville, FL

Dr. Julie Robinson-Smith, Colorado Springs, CO

Dr. Victor Rodriguez, Houston, TX

Dr. Arif Salman, Morgantown, WV

Dr. Bruce Seidberg, Jamesville, NY

Dr. Jasbir D. Upadhyaya, Alton, IL

Dr. Susan K. Zelazo-Smith, Chicago, IL


CCEPR Appeal Board

Members of the CCEPR Appeal Board are selected in accordance with the CCEPR Rules. Appeal Board members are appointed by each of the organizations represented on the Commission, and must have previously served on the Board of Commissioners or the ADA CERP Committee. Current members are listed below.

Dr. Elizabeth Bilodeau, Decatur, GA

Dr. Carla A. Evans, Boston, MA

Dr. Susan G. Reed, Charleston, SC

Dr. Mark C. Hutten, Chicago, IL

Dr. Paul Leary, Smithtown, NY

Dr. Daniel J. Meara, Wilmington, DE

Dr. David M. Kim, Cambridge, MA

Dr. Jade Miller, Reno, NV

Dr. Mitra Sadrameli, Chicago, IL

Dr. Denis E. Simon, III, Baton Rouge, LA

Ms. Carol Trecek, Milwaukee, WI

Dr. Raquel Rozdolski, Hawthorne, NY


Meeting minutes and unofficial actions

CCEPR meets twice a year to make recognition decisions and consider ADA CERP standards and policies. The most recent meeting minutes and unofficial reports of major actions are published below. If you need older materials, you can contact us.

September 2024 Unofficial Report of Major Actions (PDF)

May 2024 Minutes (PDF)

September 2023 Minutes (PDF)

July 2023 Minutes (special meeting) (PDF) 

April 2023 Minutes (PDF)

January 2023 Minutes (special meeting) (PDF)

September 2022 Minutes (PDF)

June 2022 Minutes (special meeting) (PDF)

April 2022 Minutes (PDF)

December 2021 Minutes (special meeting) (PDF)

September 2021 Minutes (PDF)

April 2021 Minutes (PDF)

October 2020 Minutes (PDF)

April 2020 Minutes (PDF)